TCC 22A.1 Upgrade

Taleo TCC 22A.1 Upgrade

Everything You Need To Know About The Taleo Connect Client 22A.1 Upgrade

Thankfully, these mandatory upgrades to TCC only tend to be released every 2 or 3 years. The downside is that if you ignore it your TCC integrations will absolutely stop working. Timing will be extremely important.

In this article we give you the key points to be aware of on the 22A.1 upgrade and a high level set of tasks that will need to be performed. In addition, we give you a sample project plan in table format that you can also download in Excel for your use. If you have questions or need help implementing the upgrade feel free to reach out directly at

Important Links:

Key Points:

  • An updated version of TCC 22A.1 was released on April 19, 2022. If you didn’t catch that update and downloaded it before that date you will want to download the updated version and reinstall it.
  • You must update your version of TCC if Oracle is upgrading your Taleo zones to anything above 22A.0.x. As soon as you see the last digit flip from 0 to 1 you need to upgrade (ex. 22A.1). At this point that should be everyone as Oracle is scheduling upgrades to 22B.1 for August slots.
  • You do not need new Product Information Pack (PIP) files. TCC 22A.1 is a client-only release. The most updated PIP is still 19A.1.0.3 on eDelivery.  For most clients you will not need to change anything related to PIP files.
  • In most cases, especially if you have batch file automations, you will want to download the new version and install it in its own TCC directory\folder and then rename it and replace your current TCC installation directory. We go over that in the video below.
  • TCC does not have an upgrade feature.  Upgrading TCC involves installing the newer TCC, moving certain files from the existing TCC installation, and performing some other configuration tasks.  

Here are the major activities that can be put into a timeline that will work for your organization

  • Find out when Oracle will upgrade your staging Taleo zone to 22A.1 and then when they plan on upgrading the production zone. We are finding they are giving clients a 3 week window between upgrading staging and production. Based on those dates you can plan your additional activities and dates
  • Install the new version of TCC on your test server. If you do not have one of your staging zones upgraded and you try and connect to Taleo you will get an error message.
  • Oracle will upgrade your staging Taleo zone.
  • Test that you can connect to the newly upgraded Taleo zone from the newly upgraded TCC server installation. If you are successful then you can synchronize the TCC installation to ensure all user defined fields are available.
  • Test all your production TCC exports and imports to make sure that they all run. We recommend launching them from within the TCC configuration file as step one. Then if you use batch script automations, launch them using the batch file or running them through Windows scheduler or whatever automation package you use.
  • Install the new version of TCC on your production server. You can test it by connecting to your upgraded staging zone and synchronize the installation if necessary.
  • Oracle will upgrade your production Taleo zone.
  • On the same evening your production zone is upgraded you will want to swap out the production TCC installation directory by renaming it and naming the 22A.1 installation as “Taleo Connect Client”. It is recommended that you stop all automation while the upgrade is being completed. Then once you turn them back on closely monitor all of your integrations to ensure there are no problems.

TCC is normally backwards compatible.  This means the TCC version can be newer than the zone version, and can also be newer than the import/export script version.  IMPORTANT! TCC 22A.1 is an exception. Please see above.

Oracle Support Article on TCC

Sample Timeline

Here is a sample timeline with tasks that may help get you started for your project. You can download it in Excel format by clicking here.

Find out when Oracle will upgrade your staging Taleo zone to 22A.1 and then when they plan on upgrading the production zone.6/22/22Complete
Install the new version of TCC on the test server.6/23/22Complete
Oracle upgrades Taleo staging zone.8/3/22Open
Test that you can connect to the newly upgraded Taleo zone from the newly upgraded TCC server installation. 8/3/22Open
Synchronize the TCC installation to ensure all user defined fields are available.8/3/22Open
Test all TCC exports and imports from the configuration file to make sure that they all run.8/10/22Open
Test all your TCC related batch file automatons to make sure that they all launch as expected.8/12/22Open
Install the new version of TCC on the production server.8/17/22Open
Try and connect the production TCC installation to the already upgraded staging zone to confirm it can connect to a 22A.1 or higher zone.8/17/22Open
Stop all production TCC server automation processes.8/22/22Open
Oracle upgrades Taleo production zone.8/23/22Open
On the same evening the production zone is upgraded swap out the production TCC installation directory by renaming it and naming the 22A.1 installation as “Taleo Connect Client”. 8/23/22Open
Synchronize the production TCC installation to ensure all user defined fields are available.8/23/22Open
Test all TCC exports and imports from the configuration file on the production server to make sure that they all run.8/23/22Open
Test all your production TCC server related batch file automatons to make sure that they all launch as expected.8/23/22Open
Try and connect the production TCC installation to the upgraded production zone to confirm it can connect.8/23/22Open
Restart all automated processes.8/23/22Open
Monitor closely for 48 hours to make sure all processes run as expected.8/25/22Open

Downloading and Installing Taleo Connect Client (TCC) Version 22A.1

This video walks you through downloading the TCC installation files and installing them on your machine. It also gives a couple tips on managing your folder structure for testing.

We have additional information and videos on TCC installation on this post.

Error If You Ping A Taleo 22A.0x Version

You will get the following error “The Taleo product could not be accessed” as you see below if you try and ping a Taleo zone version that is at 22A.0x or lower using TCC 22A.1 software. It must be upgraded to 22A.1 or higher.

We will continue to update this page as we go through the process ourselves with client and note any issue that we hit in the process. If you have questions or need help implementing the upgrade feel free to reach out directly at